Ko Owheao te Taniwha Nanakia
Ko Owheao te Taniwha Nanakia by Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board
DescriptionKo Owheao te Taniwha Nanakia or Owheao the Wicked Taniwha is a story from Ngti Twharetoa, of the Taup District in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Owheao is a well-known taniwha who resided within the Tongariro River. Taniwha are legendary creatures that live in deep swimming pools or rivers, some are extremely considered kaitiaki or guardians, while others equivalent to Owheao have been unhealthy predators. This story has been narrated in both Te Reo Mori and English and is aimed toward Pia or emergent novices of Te Reo Mori. Brought to you by way of Ngti Twharetoa and the Twharetoa Cultural Knowledge Venture. Have fun, read alongside and even analyze a poem about Owheao the Wicked Taniwha. Features: Customize each and every book with this ebook belongs to … page. Model 1.zero Created on the QBookExtendedLayoutTool QBook offers a real multi-language expertise and is a great tool for studying new languages for both younger and outdated. This QBook includes the narration, textual content, and consumer interface in these languages: Maori Necessities: Suitable with iPad Patent 532174 Kiwa Media produces multi-language digital content material, creates IT solutions and develops services for the digital publishing and leisure industries.
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